Founderland PAM

Design and build an inclusive virtual mentor powered by AI.

I worked with the team to set the creative vision, establish priorities, and support the design team’s daily activities. I ensured alignment across all touchpoints, guiding the project together from concept through to implementation.

PAM, the Pitch AI Mentor by Founderland, is a unique AI-powered tool designed specifically for women of colour founders across Europe. It offers a safe and supportive online environment to practice pitches and receive instant, tailored feedback.

Trained on the expertise of the fastest-growing community of women of colour founders and allies, PAM is built using insights from Founderland’s network of founders and investors. It enables founders to rehearse, refine their pitch content, perfect their delivery, and increase their chances of securing funding—with Founderland’s support every step of the way.

The Problem

Less than 0.5% of funding lands in the hands of women of colour founders. We need to change the ratio.

The Need

To present a confident story, our audience needs a risk-free way to prepare for the pitch room.

The Solution

An AI powered web experience that simulates the experience of a VC pitch room — the people, the pressure and the questions. Extending the training we offer a small community of in-person trainees every year to the whole Founderland community.

PAM gives founders a safe-space online to practice their pitch and receive instant, personalized feedback all within an Al-powered environment.

At the heart of PAM is a custom Al model that can analyze any 5 minute pitch. Within the experience is a simulated live pitch mode, virtual investors and an option for more supportive, or more challenging questioning.

The application is designed to address five main needs:


How might we best  introduce founders to PAM and get them quickly into the experience?


How might we introduce more ways for Founders to submit their pitch?


How might we better prepare founders for the pitch room environment?


How might we provide a richer, more dynamic Results experience for founders?


How might we provide resources to founders in a smarter, more personalised way?

To grow PAM in a successful way, it’s important to understand the space we occupy.

Brand active purpose.

Rooted into the brand purpose and serves a real founders need.

Humanising technology.

Making AI more warm and human by creating a personality and voice for it.

The power of the network.

Building ongoing communication with the Founderland community and always adapting to their needs.

Delightful moments.

Bringing joy and eliminating friction via the experience, whilst creating memorable moments.